Hot Water: Why It Smells And The Best Ways To Fix It

Who doesn’t like hot water? The idea of soaking in a hot bathtub with the most comfortable temperature water is every person’s dream to relax in for hours on end after spending a long day either at the office or spending the entire day studying and then needing to finish the day off by spending a good few minutes relaxing.

Think about this: It is the dead cold winter, and your entire house is an absolutely fantastic igloo. The only thing that can solve this feeling of freezing is soaking in a hot water bath. The best way to go about that is to turn on the geyser that you have installed and then wait for the water to heat up while you dream of relaxing.

However, as soon as you turn your geyser on, you realize that an absolutely disgusting smell starts to surround you the second the heat fires up for the first time. The smell can often become nauseating.

However, fret not, as our article aims to clear any misconceptions that you might have, all the while giving you an insight into why the hot water might smell, and what are some of the best ways that you can fix it that ar absotuely foolproof. While it may seem like it is an impossible tasks to figure out just where the smell is orginating from, it’s not all that difficult!

Why Your Hot Water Smells

Moving on, let’s discuss some of the major reasons why the hot water you are using smells so bad. This can help you figure out and note the reasons why it may be happening in the first place.

Rotten Egg Smell

Perhaps one of the most common smells that people might face with other hot water is that they consistently complain about it smelling like rotten eggs. Though it might come off weird, and it might make you wonder just how hot water can even smell like rotten eggs, it is pretty common that occurs in a few households.

The main reason the smell occurs is the sulfur in the water. Anytime bacteria start to break down the elements in the water, they start a chemical reaction, which causes them to produce hydrogen sulfide. This naturally has the same smell as rotten eggs, which makes it absolutely nauseating.

If sulfur is present in your hot water, the sulfur smell cannot be escaped, and it will continue to smell unless it is treated.

Minerals Present In Water

Next up, there is another reason why you feel like there is a weird smell coming from your hot water, and once again, a chemical reaction with the water can cause the smell to occur.

Any minerals present in the hot water are bound to smell anytime the water has been heated and brought to a boil. One of the biggest contributors to this has to be the calcium buildup that occurs anytime the water starts to heat up.

The calcium will start to deposit on the side of the pipes and internally, too, contributing to not only a smell but also disrupting and slowing down the usual flow of the water.

Decomposition Of Waste

More often than not, there are waste products that are present in the water, and anytime the decomposition of the waste materials starts to occur, it can mix in with the hot water that is running through your pipes.

For that reason alone, it can start incorporating itself into the water and contaminating the entire liquid, further making it smell bad if it didn’t already. Therefore, it is important to take note of the decomposition that occurs, and it is best to get your plumbing lines cleaned regularly; otherwise, it just continues to get worse and worse over time!

Ways To Get Rid Of The Bad Smell

Even though the problems that you are facing can be pretty annoying, one thing that you should know is that they are never permanent, and if they are dealt with swiftly, then they can be eliminated pretty quickly.

Using A Water Filter

Now, if the main issue that you face is that the water that you bathe with is musky, or isn’t clean and you feel like the water keep smelling and/or is muddy, then you might need to get new water filters isntalle.d

The main issue can be solved with a water filter, and especially if you face consistent musky waters whenever you get a bath, then you need to get a water filter, as the main focus of a water filter is to filter out the water. Not only will it keep your water clean physically, but it also eliminates most of the smell that you are facing.

Replacing The Pipes

Another thing that you can do is consider getting them professionally cleaned, or if the situation calls for it, you can ask them to be replaced. While it can get pretty expensive, one thing that you can know for sure is that it will at least make your hot water smell normal again instead of like rotten eggs.

If a professional plumbing service is hired, replacing or cleaning pipes can be done easily, and the rates will be reasonable.


While hot water can be an absolute menace, it can also be nauseating if you have to consistently deal with the bad smell every time you want to take a long shower. But there are quite a few solutions that can help get rid of the issue.

If you don’t know what else to do, you can also rely on the plumbing services in Philadelphia to help you out. Let’s finish this up!

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