Shower Diverter: 4 Problems That You Might Face And The Best Solutions!

Whenever a new home is built and a new bathroom is installed, there is always a plumbing system that is set up whereby a proper shower, alongside the water system, is also set up. Otherwise, it becomes hell trying to navigate the different systems, specifically when you are new to everything.

Imagine this: You are finally done with your work at your office, or if you work from home, you might finally be done after spending an entire day grinding away trying to earn money. It is now nighttime, and the only thing you want is to take a long shower, relax, and then head to bed. As you head into the shower, you turn it on, only to find out that the flow of the water isn’t normal.

You try to turn on your faucet, and the water isn’t being diverted as needed, and that’s when you realize that the shower diverter is completely messed up. Now your mood is ruined, and you have a problem at your hand that you need to fix either on your own or hire someone to do it for you so that you can take a shower in peace again.

For that reason alone, our article is here to save you from all these issues. We will outline the common reasons why problems may occur with the shower diverter, explain what exactly a shower diverter is, and explain how to solve the issues as well!

What Is A Shower Diverter?

Kicking things off, if you don’t already know what a shower diverter is, then you won’t be able to figure out what the issue is with it. In the simplest terms, a shower diverter is a system that easily diverts the flow of water from your showerhead to your faucet and essentially controls the entire flow of water.

It also ensures that the water is flowing correctly. If there is an issue with the shower diverter, then the flow of water will also get messed up.

For that reason alone, you will most often find yourself wondering why the water pressure from your shower head or faucet is so messed up when the problem, more often than not, lies in the actual shower diverter.

There are quite a few types of shower diverters used for different reasons, one of them being a valve type, which includes the system used to divert the water between the hot and cold ends of a faucet.

Another type that can exist is a one-type faucet that is typically found in a tub.

Problems That Occur With A Shower Diverter

There are quite a few problems that can exclusively occur with a shower diverter that can cause it to falter, and we have listed them all below.

Buildup of Minerals

One of the main reasons the shower diverter can get messed up is severe mineral buildup. Over time, a few years after you move in, mineral deposits start to occur due to water, which can then solidify in the pipes.

For this reason alone, the water flow can get messed up, and it can further make the water pressure slow as well from the faucets.

Broken Diverter

Another major issue that can occur with the shower diverter is if small parts from a diverter are broken, the water flow can be disrupted and can become less powerful. If there are major broken parts, either the handle or the bottom of the diverter, then water leakage can also occur, making it difficult for the water to reach the faucet properly.

shower diverter

Therefore, if a breakage does start to occur, then you need to ensure that you get it fixed as quickly as possible, as it will only mess up over time.

Pressure Issues

Other than this, the shower diverter can also have issues, one of which is with the water pressure.

If the water pressure is too high, the diverter can get messed up. Otherwise, typically, if the water flow is too low, it can cause the water pressure to slow down, too, which can then directly affect the diverter’s performance.

Wrong Installation

Last but not least, another annoying issue that you might face with your shower diverter is that if you have gotten the diverter installed by a non-professional, then the installation process won’t go as smoothly as it should which can be irritating.

Because of that, over a few years, it can get cracked, it can come loose, or it can break apart completely, bringing in new problems for you to deal with.

How To Fix Issues With A Shower Diverter

Now that you know what common problems one might face with a shower diverter, it is important to know a few solutions as well that are all listed below that can go in detail about how to fix these issues easily.

  • Check For Pressure: If you are experiencing issues with water pressure and it is too slow, it is best to get that checked out and ensure the plumbing is done correctly.
  • Proper Plumbing: If there are issues with the installation of the diverter, then calling up a plumber who is a master at their craft will help install the diverter properly.
  • Mineral Issues: If the main issue that you are facing is a mineral buildup, then you can get rid of the mineral buildup by using vinegar which is an amazing solution!


Knowing what a shower diverter is, what problems it can bring, and what common solutions are is something everyone should know no matter what, as it can make or break the way you take a shower.

If you don’t know what else to do, contact the most expert plumbing services in Philadelphia to help you get rid of all your worries!

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